Is Your Digital Weighing Scale Still Accurate?


I remember doing a double look at my bathroom digital weighing scale upon seeing the results. Surely there was some mistake with me not gaining any additional kilos for being 4 months pregnant! Turns out our digital weighing scale is no longer accurate. We were thinking to buy a new one if we want to keep a realistic track of my weight as my pregnancy progresses. It was time to look for a digital weighing scale supplier in the Philippines.

Now I know I am not alone in wondering how better a digital weighing scale’s accuracy can be determined. We definitely cannot rely on our gut feelings alone.


Below are signs that signal the need to replace your digital weighing scale:

1. Inconsistency – one easy sign is when the readings are different for an object you just weighed seconds away

2. Inaccuracy (compared to a well-calibrated scale’s results) – the scale’s load cells may have already been damaged from overloading or have been shock-loaded

3. Unclear Readings – when the digits constantly change or cannot lock on a specific value, the digital weighing scale may already need display replacement, or the batteries just need to be changed

4. Rust – apart from safety issues, it is time to look for a digital weighing scale supplier in the Philippines if it has corroded parts already

There is no need to immediately purchase a new one, there are times the digital weighing scale just needs calibration. Some digital weighing scale suppliers in the Philippines offer calibration services as part of product maintenance, so best to choose a good one from the onset.

Calibration did the trick on my case and now we’re off to buy a weighing scale for the baby 😉

